Travelling allowance for journeys for obtaining medical advice or to accompany a sick government servant
Journeys to obtain medical advice or to accompany a sick government servant
60. (1) A government servant, compelled to leave his station to procure medical advice because no medical officer is available, is entitled to travelling allowance for the journey to and from the nearest station where a medical officer is located, on production of a certificate from the medical officer consulted that such journey was absolutely necessary.
(2) If possible without risk to the government servant requiring advice, the permission of superior authority to make the journey should be obtained beforehand.
(3) If a non-gazetted government servant, being stationed where there is no registered medical practitioner, is compelled to leave his station to obtain a medical certificate in support of an application for an original grant of leave, he may draw travelling allowance for the journey to and from the nearest station where a registered medical practitioner is available.
NOTE—Travelling allowance is not admissible for a journey to obtain medical certificate in support of an application for an extention of leave.
(4) If a non-gazetted government servant, having obtained a medical certificate in support of an application for an original grant of leave, is required to appear before the Chief Medical Officer or before a Government medical officer nominated by the Chief Medical Officer, for a further opinion as to the necessity for the leave recommended in that certificate, he may draw the travelling allowance for the journey, if any, undertaken to obtain that opinion.
NOTE—Travelling allowance is not admmissible for a journey to obtain a second medical opinion in support of an application for an extension of leave.
(5) A government servant is entitled to travelling allowance for a journey undertaken in Uttar Pradesh to obtain X-ray treatment or examination, qualified dental treatment, specialist eye treatment or other forms of specialist treatment, provided that the Chief Medical Officer of the district in which the government servant is residing, has previously certified that such treatment is absolutely necessary. This concession is also subject to the condition that no specialist treatment is available at the station.
NOTE—No daily allowance is admissible under this rule for halts on the journey.
60-A. A government servant in receipt of pay not exceeding Rs. 425 per mensem, who suffers from leprosy, is entitled to travelling allowance for journeys to and from Dehra Dun, undertaken by him to obtain treatment at the Maclaren Leper Hospital; provided that the Chief Medical Officer of the district in which the government servant is residing has previoualy certified that the treatment is likely to result in a cure and make him fit to resume his duties.
NOTE—No daily allowance is admissible for halts.
60-B. A government servant suffering or suspected to be suffering from leprosy, is entitled to travelling allowance at ordinary rates, for journeys to and from Dehra Dun, performed by him for undergoing clinical and bacteriological examination by the Leprosy Officer for Uttar Pradash at Dehra Dun: provided that the government servant is sent to Dehra Dun for examination and report by his official medical attendant, or the Chief Medical Officer of the district in which he resides.
NOTE—NO daily allowance is admissible for halts.
60-C. A head constable, naik or constable suffering from tuberculosis is entitled to travelling allowance at ordinary rates for journeys to and from a station to obtain treatment at Government Sanatorium; provided that such treatment is considered essential by the Chief Medical Officer of the district in which he is serving and the Chief Medical Officer certifies to this effect. No daily allowance is admissible for halts.
60-D. A government servant requiring anti-rabic treatment is entitled, on the production of a certificate from his authorised medical attendant, to travelling allowance at ordinary rates for journeys to and from the nearest anti-rabic centre. This concession will be admissible to a Government servant during leave also.
NOTE—No daily allowance is admissible for halts at the anti-rabic centre.
60-E. When on the advice of an authorised medical attendant, the Divisional Medical Board considers it necessary that a government servant retired from the State Government service or an officer of the All-India Service who retired while in the service of the State Government or any member or members of their families who is/are dependent on him needs a specialised treatment which is not available at the local station, may refer him/them to any hospital/institute in Uttar Pradesh which may be a Government or a private hospital/institute and in such a case such rail or road fare for both onward and inward journeys from the place of his residence to the station where that hospital/institute is situated shall be admissible to him, and to one attendant as was admissible just before his retirement only once for that reference.
NOTE—No daily allowance is admissible for halts.
64-F. When on the advice of an authorised medical attendant, the State Medical Board considers it necessary that a government servant retired from the State Government service or an officer of All-India Service who retired while in the service of the State Government or any member or members of their families who is/are dependent on him and who is suffering from a serious and complicated disease which requires specialised treatment and for which proper treatment is not available in any Government or private hospital/institute anywhere in the State of Uttar Pradesh then the case may be referred to any hospital/institute outside the State of Uttar Pradesh but within India, and in such a case rail or road fare. for both outward and inward journeys from the place of his residence to the station where that hopital/institute is situated shall be admissible to him, and to one attendant, as was admissible just before his retirement only once for that reference.
NOTE—No daily allowance is admissible for halts.
61. (1) If on the advice of the local Government medical officer, a government servant is required to undertake a journey to another station, either when proceeding on leave on medical certificate, or to obtain further medical advice and in the opinion of such Government medial officer it is unsafe for him to make the journey without attendance, then either the medical officer himself or some other government servant selected by the medical officer for the purpose may accompany the patient to his destination, and may draw travelling allowance at the usual rates for the journey both ways.
(2) When a Government medical officer considers it necessary to summon a Government medical officer from another station to render medical aid or assistance to a government servant, the officer so summoned may draw travelling allowance at the usual rates for the journeys both ways.
61-A. [Deleted.]
61-B. [Deleted.]
62. [Deleted.]
63. (1) Any government servant who applies for an invalid pension under the direction of the applicant’s superior officer on the ground of his incapacity for work and in the interest of the public service, and has to leave his station to appear before a medical board is entitled to receive his actual expenses for the journey, not exceeding the travelling allowance that would have been admissible to him had he travelled on duty; and if after appearing before the medical board it is necessary for him to return to his station, he may be granted similar travelling expenses for the return journey.
(2) Where the application for an invalid pension has been voluntarily made, the same concession may be granted with the sanction of the head of the department, if that authority considers it necessary in the circumstances of the case.
(3) In either case the bill should be supported by an order of competent authority permitting him to draw the travelling expenses.
NOTE—No daily allowance is admissible under this rule for halts on the Journeys.