Travelling allowance to non-gazetted members of Government Railway Police
Journeys performed by non-gazetted members of the Government Railway police proceeding on leave
65-D. A non-gazetted number of the Government Railway Police force or clerical or inferior staff is entitled to a single railway fare when proceeding direct to his home on leave and also when returning direct from his home to duty after leave. If the members of his family accompany him, he may draw travelling allowance for them also, viz., one extra fare for each adult and half fare for each child where actually charged by the railway. Travelling allowance bills for these journeys should be supported by voucher in Police Form No. 17-A.
The above concession may also be allowed once a year to non-gazetted government servants of and above the rank of sub-inspector and clerical staff and also in special cases, with the permission of the Deputy Inspector General, Railway Police, to persons below the rank of sub-inspector, when they are permitted to travel on leave to any hill station in the State.
NOTE-Leave for the purposes of this rule also includes casual leave.
65-E. The travelling allowance mentioned in rule 65-D shall not be allowed more than twice in one calendar year inclusive of the journey to a hill station, if any, to a member of the Government Railway Police. In order to ensure the observance of this rule the controlling officer shall certify on passes, vouchers (Police Form No. 17-A) or travelling allowance bills that the concession has not been allowed more than twice to a member during the year.