Travelling allowance for journeys for work connected with elections
Journeys on work connected with elections to the State Legislature, Parliament and Local Bodies
65-F. Government servants who are employed as presiding or polling officers and polling clerks at general or bye-elections to the State Legislature and Parliament are entitled to draw travelling allowance at the ordinary rates irrespective of any restrictions imposed by Appendix II.
65-FF. Government servants serving under the Uttar Pradesh Government when on duty in connection with elections of local bodies and those serving under the Central Government when assisting in the conduct of those elections, are entitled to draw travelling allowance at the ordinary rates irrespective of any restrictions imposed by Appendix II. Similarly, judicial or other officers of the Uttar Pradesh Government who preside over the meetings of the boards in the election of their Chairman are also entitled to travelling allowance at the ordinary rates. The travelling allowance will in all cases be met from State revenues.
NOTE––Travelling allowance of all other persons engaged in election work of local bodies will be paid by them along with other expenses of the elections from their own funds.