Rules for the members of the Secretariat and the personal staff of the Governor for recess
66. The Governor, his staff and household––The travelling facilities and allowances of the Governor are regulated by the provisions of the Government of India (Governors’ Allowances and Privileges) Order, 1950, as supplemented by the orders of Government of India. The members of his Secretarial and personal staff (i.e. the Secretary, his office establishment, the Medical Officer and the Aides-de-Camp) shall, however, draw travelling allowances at such rates and subject to such conditions as the Governor may by order prescribe. (See Appendix VI).
Orders of the Governor regarding the above rule
The Governor of Uttar Pradesh has been pleased to direct that his Secretarial and personal staff, i.e. the Secretary, his office establishment, the Medical Officer and the Aides-de-Camp on his personal staff, shall be allowed travelling and daily allowances at the rates and under the conditions laid down from time to time in the Travelling Allowance Rules, contained in the Financial Handbook, Volume III, in respect of ordinary journeys on duty, and at the rates and under the conditions prescribed from time to time in Appendix VI of that volume in respect of journeys in connection with the moves of the Governor to and from the hills and that the said establishment shall also be entitled to house rent and hill allowances at the rates and subject to the conditions prescribed from time to time in Parts I and II of Chapter III-A of Part III of the Financial Handbook, Volume II.
2. The Governor has also been pleased to declare that the Aides-de-Camp are officers of the Category-I for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance.
NOTES––(l) [Deleted.]
(2) When the staff and establishment of the Governor travel free of cost by––
(a) special train, or
(b) special carriage attached to an ordinary train,
they are entitled to draw travelling allowance according to rule 23(A)(5). For travelling free of cost by a motor car belonging to the Governor or to any private person, they are entitled to draw travelling allowance according to rule 29(3).
3. When the Governor halts at either Lucknow or Naini Tal, the place at which he is halting shall be regarded as the headquarters of his staff and no travelling allowance of any kind can be drawn by them during such halt. In the case of establishment, however, Lucknow shall be deemed to be their headquarters during winter months and Naini Tal during the summer months. The establishment will draw daily allowance for halts, if any, made in the course of Governor’s tour at Lucknow during the summer months or at Naini Tal during the winter months.
Decision of the Government of India regarding travelling expenses of the personal staff accompanying the Governor when visiting places outside their State on business other than those of the State.
The travelling expenses of the Governor’s personal staff who are asked to accompany the Governor while on a private visit outside the State in their official capacities may be charged to Government under the appropriate grant given to the Governor. (Government of India, Ministry of Home Affairs endorsement no. 27/A/51––Public, dated October 16, 1951––Confidential Department file no. 3-D/1950).
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