Travelling allowance on death or retirement.
74—81. [Deleted.]
81-A. (1) The members of families, as defined in Rule 6 of the All-India Service Officers serving in connection with the affairs of the State, and of the State Government employees who die while in service, will be entitled to the following travel expenses and expenses on transportation of their personal effects from the last headquarters of the government servant to his normal place of residence, which shall be the permanent home as entered in his service book or record or such other place as might have been declared to be the permanent home by the government servant while in service, provided that the journey is performed by the shortest route within 6 months of his death.
(a) For journey by rail and/or steamer—Actual fare (with the incidentals) of the class of accommodation to which the deceased government servant was himself entitled for each member of the family and the actual cost of transportation of personal effects on the scale as admissible under the rules for a journey on transfer.
(b) For journey by road–(1) When travelling by bus—
One fare of the class to which the deceased government servant was entitled under exception (I) to clause (I) of rule 27 (B) for each adult and half fare for each child, as actually charged by the transport company/corporation, on furnishing a certificate of the number and relationship of the members of the family for whom the claim is made.
(2) When the family of a deceased Category-I or II government servant travels in a motor car or other conveyance which is either the deceased government servant’s own or borrowed or hired and when propulsion charges are borne by the family of the deceased government servant in the event of the conveyance being the deceased’s own conveyance or borrowed—
(i) when the two stations are connected by rail, such charges as are admissible under rule 42(2)(I)(iv);
(ii) when the two places are connected only by road—
One mileage allowance at the rate admissible under rule 42(2)(I)(iv)(3), if two members of the family travel, two mileage allowances at the same rates if more than two members of the family travel, on furnishing a certificate of the number and relationship of the members of the family for whom the claim is made.
Exception—Where, however, the family of the deceased government servant of Category-I or II travels in a motor car or other conveyance plying for hire and hires only such seats as are equivalent to the number of members of the family, actual fare shall be admissible for such seats.
In addition to the above, actual cost of transportation of personal effects on the scale as admissible under the rules for journey on transfer shall also be admissible.
(2) If at the time of the death of a government servant, a member of his family happens to be at a station other than the government servant’s last headquarters, or being there proceeds to a station other than the normal place of residence, such member may draw the travel expenses prescribed in clause (1) above,from the place where he was at the time of the government servant’s death to the place to which he actually travelled, provided that the total expenses claimed shall not exceed the total cost that would have been admissible had such member travelled from the headquarters of the government servant to the normal place of residence.
NOTE—In case the family likes to settle down at any other place, they would be entitled to actual expenses not exceeding those which would have been admissible if they had moved to the normal place of residence.
(3)(a) The amount of travelling allowance regarding transport at Government expense of the families and personal effects of government servants who die while in service shall be paid in the order of precedence given below:
(i) The surviving widow or the eldest among them if there be more than one surviving widow (not being a minor) if the deceased government servant was a male officer or the husband if the deceased was a female officer;
(ii) The eldest surviving (dependent) child of the deceased government servant provided that he/she has attained the age of majority;
(iii) Any person who in the opinion of the Head of Office is fit to receive payment on behalf of minor(s), subject to the execution by such person of a bond, duly signed by two surities agreeing to indemnify Government against any subsequent claim, provided that such a bond may be dispensed with when payment is made to a legal guardian. (For details see Appendix XI).
(b) The amount may be drawn on Travelling Allowance Bill (Non-gazetted Establishment) Form 12, Financial Handbook, Volume V, Part I, by the Head of Office under whom the deceased government servant last served or any gazetted officer authorised in his behalf under Note (1) below para 47(g) of the Financial Handbook, Volume V, Part I. The certificates prescribed therein for the Head of Office may be amended suitably and used. Similarly the certificates usually obtained at present from the government servants in support of transfer travelling allowance claims, regarding use of express/mail trains, dependency and relationship of the family members, actual expenses on the transport of personal effects, etc., may also be adopted mutatis mutandis and obtained from the claimant in support of the claim.
(4) The above concession will not be admissible to—
(a) Government servants engaged on contract and those who are not in the whole-time employment of Government.
(b) Government servants paid out of contingencies.
(c) Retired government servants who are re-employed.
(d) Temporary government servants who have not rendered three years’ continuous service.
81-B. (1) Travelling allowance will be admissible to government servants on their retirement from service for themselves and their families, as defined in rule 6, to enable them to proceed to their home town or the place where they intend to settle down after retirement. This concession is admissible in case of retirement on superannuation pension as well as on invalid pension and compensation pension sanctioned under Articles 441 and 426 of the Civil Service Regulations. It is also admissible in case of voluntary retirement but not in the case of compulsory retirement under Fundamental Rule 56, Financial Handbook, Volume II, Part II.
(2)(i) Such travelling allowance will be admissible in respect of the journey of the government servant and members of his family and in respect of the transportation of his personal effects from the last station of his duty to his home town as mentioned below :
(a) For journeys by rail and/or steamer—(i) Actual fares including the reservation charges, if any, of the class of accommodation to which the officer was entitled (excluding air-conditioned accommodation) on the date when he was last on duty, for the government servant and members of his family. Incidental expenses will also be admissible at the same rates and on the same conditions on which these were admissible to him on his transfer while in government service.
(ii) Actual cost of transportation of personal effects on the scale admissible under Rule 42(2)(I)(iii).
(b) For journeys by road :
(i) For self—
(a) when travelling by bus—one fare of the class to which he was entitled under exception (1) to clause (1) of rule 27(B) plus incidental expenses at twice the rate admissible to him on his transfer while in government service.
(b) when a government servant of Category-I or II travels in a motor car or other conveyance which is either his own or borrowed or hired and when propulsion charges are borne by him when the conveyance so used is his own or borrowed—Such charges as admissible under rule 42(2)(II)(iv).
(c) when a government servant of Category-III travels on a motor cycle or scooter or moped which is his own and propulsion charges are borne by him—Such charges as are admissible under rule 42(2)(II)(iv).
Exception—Where, however, the government servant of Category-I and II travels in a motor car or other conveyance plying for hire and hires only a seat, he will draw the actual fare paid for the seat plus incidental expenses at twice the rate admissible to him on his transfer while in government service.
(ii) For family—
(a) when travelling by bus—one fare of the class to which the government servant was entitled under exception (1) to clause (1) of rule 27 (b) for each adult and half fare for each child, as actually charged by the transport company/corporation, on furnishing a certificate of the number and relationship of the members of the family for whom the claim is made.
(b) when the family of a government servant of Category-I or II travels in a motor car or other conveyance which is either the government servant’s own or borrowed or hired and when propulsion charges are borne by him, when the conveyance so used is his own or borrowed—
(i) when the two stations are connected by rail—Such charges as are admissible under rule 42(2)(I)(iv) ;
(ii) when the two places are connected only by road—one mileage allowance, at the rate admissible under rule 42(2)(I)(iv), if two members of the family other than self travel, two mileage allowances at the same rates if more than two members of the family other than self travel, on furnishing a certificate of the number and relationship of the members of the family for whom the claim is made.
Exception—Where, however, the family of the government servant of the Category-I or II travels in a motor car or other conveyance plying for hire and hires only such seats as are equivalent to the number of members of family, actual fare shall be admissible for such seats.
(iii) actual cost of transportation of personal effects on the scale admissible under rule 42(2)(II)(iii).
(c) For journeys partly by one mode of travel and partly by another—
As admissible under sub-paras (a) and (b) above, in so far as they are respectively applicable.
NOTES—(1) The actual cost of transporting a motor car or other conveyance maintained by an officer before his retirement will also be reimbursible at the same rates and on the same conditions on which it was admissible to him on his transfer while in Government service.
(2) Mileage allowance will be admissible for journeys between residence and the railway station or bus stand at either end in accordance with rule 42(2)(II) read with rule 14.
(d) For journeys performed in the government servant’s own car or in a private car between stations connected by rail—As admissible under sub-para (b) limited to railway/steamer fares admissible under sub-para (a).
(e) Retired government servants while proceeding to their home town or the place where they intend to settle down after retirement will also be entitled to lumpsum at the same rates and on the same conditions as were applicable to them on transfer while in service.
(3) The grant of the concession will be further subject to the following conditions, clarifications and subsidiary instructions :
(i) The concession will be admissible by the shortest route from the last place of duty of the government servant to his home town. The term home town referred to above shall be the permanent home town or village as entered in appropriate official record of the government servant concerned, or such other place as has been declared by him, duly supported by reasons (such as ownership of immovable property, permanent residence of near relatives, for example, parents, brothers, etc.) as the place where he would normally reside but for his absence from such a station for service, under Government. Those government servants who have recently acquired an Indian domicile or those who have not so far declared their homes for any purpose in correspondence with Government, for example, service records, applications for house building advances, etc., should now make a formal declaration.
The declaration will be subject in each case to the acceptance by the controlling officer concerned who shall verify the correctness thereof after calling for such evidence as may be considered necessary.
A declaration of home town once made shall ordinarily be treated as final, but in exceptional circumstance, Government in the Administrative Department may authorise a change in such declaration, provided that such a change shall not be made more than once during the service of the government servant.
(ii) Where a government servant wishes to settle down at a place other than his home town, he will be entitled to draw the actual travelling allowance, provided the amount of travelling allowance does not exceed the amount which he would have drawn from the last place of duty to his home town.
(iii) The concession may be availed of during leave preparatory to retirement/refused leave, or within six months of the date of retirement.
(iv) The concession will not be admissible to government servants, who quit service by resignation or who may be dismissed or removed from service.
(v) If a government servant is re-employed under the State Government, while he is on leave preparatory to retirement, or within six months of the date of his retirement, the concession admissible under these rules may be availed of by him within six months of the expiry of the period of his re-employment provided he has not availed of it earlier.
(vi) The travelling allowance in respect of the members of the family and the transporation of personal effects of a retiring government servant, which do not actually accompany him will be regulated in accordance with the provisions of note 2(a) and (c) below rule 42(2)(II). A member of government servant’s family and his personal effects which follow him within six months or precede him by not more than one month may, therefore, be treated as accompanying him. The period of one month or six months, as the case may be, may be counted from the date of retirement or the expiry of the period of re-employment as the case may be. The claims of travelling allowance in respect of the family members will not be payable until the head of the family himself/herself actually moves.
(4) The travelling allowance claims admissible under these rules will be drawn on Travelling Allowance Bill form like transfer travelling allowance claims. The claims of government servants who were their own controlling officers before retirement, will be countersigned by the next higher administrative officer and, where there is no such higher administrative officer, by the Secretary to Government in the department concerned. The claims of a retiring Secretary to the Government of Uttar Pradesh may be countersigned by his successor-in-office. The certificates required to be furnished by the government servants in respect of transfer travelling allowance claims will also be required to be furnished in respect of claims for travelling allowance under these rules.
(5) Before reimbursing the travelling allowance admissible under the above rules, the countersigning authorities should satisfy themselves as far as possible, that the claimant and members of his family actually performed the journeys to the home town or any other place to which he might have proceeded to settle down e.g. (i) by obtaining a certificate from the government servant concerned to the effect that he and the members of his family have actually travelled in the class for which the claim has been preferred; and (ii) by requisitioning necessary receipts/vouchers, etc. for the claims charged on account of the transportation of his personal effects/conveyance, etc.
(6) Payment of travelling allowance claims under these rules may be made by the Treasury Officer in relaxation of rule 23 of the Treasury Rules (Uttar Pradesh), read with para 101 of the Financial Handbook, Volume V, Part I i.e., he may make the payment of such claims even after the issue of a last pay certificate and without asking the retired government servant to surrender the last pay certificate which will be required for the purpose of finalising his pension.