Conveyance Allowance
82. The Government may grant a monthly conveyance allowance on such conditions as they think fit to impose, to any government servant who is required to perform frequently at, or within a short distance from, his headquarters journeys for which travelling allowance is not admissible.
Except as otherwise provided in Chapter XII of the Subsidiary Rules in the Financial Handbook, Volume II, and unless the sanctioning authority other wise directs, a conveyance allowance is drawn all the year round, is not for feited during absence from headquarters, and may be drawn in addition to any other travelling allowance admissible under the rules; provided that a government servant who is in receipt of a conveyance allowance specifically granted for the upkeep of a motor car, motorcycle, scooter or moped shall not draw mileage or daily allowance for a journey by a motor car, motor cycle, scooter or moped except on such conditions as the authority which sanctions the conveyance allowance may prescribe.
(A list of government servants in receipt of conveyance allowances with the rates of such allowance and other conditions attaching thereto, is given in Appendix VIII).
NOTE—The drawal of a conveyance allowance where it is granted to a government servant on the condition that he maintains a specific means of conveyance is subject to the further condition that the conveyance is maintained in a satisfactory condition.
The bill in which the allowance is claimed must be supported by a certificate by the drawing officer, or the officer concerned if he is himself the drawing officer, to the effect that the prescribed means of conveyance continued to be maintained in a satisfactory condition during the period for which the claim is submitted.
83 and 84. [Deleted.]
85. A conveyance allowance may not be drawn during joining time.
NOTE—As an exception to this rule, subordinate police officers and members of the Subordinate Engineering Service and lower subordinates of the Public Works Department may, irrespective of the provisions of Subsidiary Rule 197 contained in the Financial Handbook, Volume II continue to draw, during joining time, the conveyance allowance drawn by them while on duty, subject to the condition that no extra expenditure is there by caused to the Government and that a conveyance is actually maintained.
86 and 87. [Deleted.]