NOTE—The definitions of the terms contained in Chapter II of the Fundamental Rules, Volume II of the Handbook, are generally applicable to the rules contained in this Volume except where the contrary is stated or is evident from the context.
1. Actual travelling expenses means the actual cost of transporting a government servant with his personal luggage, including charges for ferry and other tolls and for carriage of camp equipment, if necessary. It does not include charges for hotels, travellers’ bungalows or refreshments or for the carriage of stores or conveyances or for presents to coachmen and the like; or any allowance for such incidental losses or expenses as the breakage of crockery, wear and tear of furniture and the employment of additional servants.
2. Camp equipage means the apparatus for moving a camp.
3. Camp equipment means tents and the requisites for pitching and furnishing them or, where tents are not carried, such articles of camp furniture as it may be necessary, in the interests of the public service, for a government servant to take with him on tour.
4. [Deleted.]
5. Day means a full calendar day of 24 hours reckoned from midnight to midnight.
NOTE—In the case of members of the railway police, an absence from headquarters which does not exceed twenty-four hours shall be reckoned as one day at whatever hours the absence begins or ends.
5-A. Daily Allowance—Daily allowance is a uniform allowance for each day of absence from headquarters on duty at a place beyond a radius of eight kilometres which is intended to cover the ordinary daily charges incurred by a government servant in consequence of such absence while on tour.
6. Family means a government servant’s wife or husband, as the case may be, legitimate children and step-children residing with and wholly dependent upon the government servant and it includes, in addition, parents, sisters and minor brothers, if residing with and wholly dependent upon the government servant, but does not include more than one wife for the purpose of these rules.
NOTES—(1) An adopted child shall be considered to be a legitimate child if, under the personal law of the government servant, adoption is legally recognised as conefrring on it the status of a natural child.
(2) A government servant’s legitimate daughters, step-daughters and sisters whose ganna or rukhsat has been performed, shall not be regarded as wholly dependent upon the government servant.
7. First appointment includes the appointment of a person not at the time holding any post under the Government, even though he may have previously held such a post.
7-A. Government means "the State Government of Uttar Pradesh" unless the contrary is evident from the context.
8. Heads of Departments, include all authorities designated as such under the rules dealing with delegations under the Fundamental Rules. See Statement I, Part IV of Volume II of the Handbook.
9. [Deleted.]
9-A. Mileage Allowance—Mileage Allowance is that form of travelling allowance which is calculated on the distance travelled and which is given to meet the cost of a particular journey.
10. Pay, for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance, is as is defined in the Fundamental Rules.
10-A. [Deleted.]
11. Public conveyance means a railway train or other conveyance which plies regularly for the conveyance of passengers, but it does not include a taxi or other conveyance which is hired for a particular journey.
11-A. Hills, for the purposes of calculating travelling allowance at special rates admissible for journeys in the hills, include the following tracts:
(1) Dehra Dun—The whole of the Chakrata Tahsil and the territory in the Mussoorie hills lying to the north and east of the Dehra Tahsil between the rivers Ganga and Yamuna at a height above that of Rajpur.
(2) Almora—The whole of this district.
(3) Naini Tal and Garhwal—The territory above the submontane road. Journeys above this road, except those between Haldwani and Kathgodam, will be treated as journeys in the hills. All journeys and halts between Haldwani and Kathgodam and the journeys along the submontane road and below it will be considered to be in the plains : Tanakpur, Chhini, Dogari, Jaulasil, Chorgallia, Haldwani, Lamchaur, Kaladhungi, Bailparao, Chhoi, Ramnagar, Dhela, Laldhang, Jhirna and Kalagarh.
NOTE—Kotdwara is situated above the submontane road and is included in the hills.
(4) Mirzapur—The area lying south of Kaimur Range and River Sone.
(5) Tehri-Garhwal—The whole of this district.
(6) Pithoragarh—The whole of this district.
(7) Chamoli—The whole of this district.
(8) Uttarkashi—The whole of this district.
11-B. Transfer means the movement of a government servant from one headquarters station in which he is employed to another such station, either—
(a) to take up the duties of a new post, or
(b) in consequence of a change of his headquarters.