Extent of Application
12. Subject to the provisions of "The All-India Services (Travelling Allowances) Rules, 1954" reproduced in Appendix I, the rules contained in this volume of the Handbook are applicable to all persons in the service of the Government serving under the control of the Government. The rules apply also to persons not in the service of the Government but who are required by the Government to undertake journeys in connection with the transaction of Government business.
General Principles
12-A. Travelling allowance is a compensatory allowance [Fundamental Rule 9(5)] and, like all compensatory allowances, must be so regulated that it is not on the whole a source of profit to the recipient (Fundamental Rule 44). A Government servant’s claims to travelling allowance should be regulated by the rules in force at the time the journey in respect of which they are made was undertaken.
Audit Instruction—No revision of claims of travelling allowance is permissible in cases where a government servant is promoted or reverted or is granted an increased rate of pay with retrospective effect in respect of the period intervening between the date of promotion or reversion or grant of increased rate of pay and that on which it is notified, unless it is clear that there has been an actual change of duties.
13. Save as specially provided in these rules, no travelling allowance is granted to meet the expenses of the families of government servants accompanying them when travelling on duty.
14. For the purpose of these Rules the point in a station from or at which a journey should be held to commence or end shall be the Collector’s Office, or if there be no Collector’s Office, or if the distance between the starting point or the point visited and the railway station or bus stand exceeds eight kilometres, the actual starting point or points visited.
Explanatory Note—The intention of the above rule is that if the distance between the actual starting point—irrespective of whether it is the office or residence of a Government servant—and the railway station or bus stand exceeds eight kilometres, the journey should be held to commence from that point even when it is the government servant’s residence, and mileage allowance will be admissible from that point to the railway station or bus stand.
Exception—In respect of journeys between Allahabad and the Naini Central Prison and between Allahabad and the Naini Leper Asylum, and vice versa, the journeys shall be held to commence or end at Allahabad at the actual starting or finishing point, as the case may be.
NOTE—A table of distances from the Collector’s Office to the railway station and/or bus station in various districts is given in Appendix V.