Classification of government servants
15. The travelling allowance admissible to a government servant depends on—
(1) his classification for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance, and
(2) the nature of the travelling for which the allowance is claimed.
16. With the exception of certain high officials to whom special rules apply (see Chapter V), government servants are divided into the following categories for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance:
(i) Category-I—All government servants in receipt of pay exceeding Rs 1,500 per mensem and officers belonging to the All India Services.
(ii) Category-II—All government servants in receipt of pay between Rs 701 and Rs 1,500 per mensem.
(iii) Category-III—All government servants in receipt of pay between Rs 320 and Rs 700 per mensem excluding those specified in Category IV below.
NOTE—The agent of a government treasurer who goes to inspect the books of tahvildars and Paid Apprentices in district offices and Civil Courts will be treated for purposes of travelling allowance as government servant of Category—III.
(iv) Category-IV—All government servants drawing pay in the scales of Rs 305—390 and Rs 315—440 and their selection grades and the government servants drawing fixed pay up to Rs 350 per mensem.
NOTE—Potdars should be treated as government servants of the Category-IV.
16-A. The category to which a retired government servant belongs on his re-employment shall be determined with reference to the pay which he actually receives plus the amount of pension, if any, which he is permitted to draw in addition to pay, if part of it has been commuted, what he would have drawn had there been no commutation.
17. [Deleted.]
18. [Deleted.]
19. A government servant during transfer from a post in one category to a post in another category belongs to the category to which the lower post of the two belongs.