Travelling Allowance of private persons and part-time Government Servants
20. In the case of—
(a) part-time government servants or government servants wholly or partly paid by fees; and
(b) persons who, not being servants of the Government, are required to serve on any board, conference, committee or commission convened under orders of the Government for the purpose of transacting or advising on any government business, or to conduct an examination held by order of the Government, or to perform any public duty in an honorary capacity,
the category to which such government servants, or persons not in service of the Government, belong for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance shall be decided by the Government or by any other authority to whom the Government have delegated the necessary power (See Appendix X):
Provided that non-official persons as described in (b) above may be granted actual travelling, hotel and conveyance expenses in lieu of travelling allowances, if it is considered that such allowances are inadequate.
NOTE—1 The following part-time government servants have been declared as belonging to the Category-I for the purpose of calculating their travelling allowance:
(1) Public Analyst to Government,
(2) Administrator General and Official Trustee.
NOTE—2 (1) The travelling allowance of non-officials who are required to serve on committees convened by the Government, as distinct from committees constituted by the Uttar Pradesh Legislature, shall be regulated as follows:—
(i) If all the non-official members of a committee are also members of the Legislature, or if a committee includes members of the Legislature as well as other non-officials, travelling and daily allowances at the rates ordinarily admissible to government servants of Category–—I should be allowed to all non-official members irrespective of whether they are members of the Legislature or not; provided that if the committee meets at the same station where a session of the Legislature is held and the meetings of the committee are held during immediately before or in continuation of, the session of the Legislature, then such of the non-official members of the committee as are also members of the Legislature will not be eligible for any travelling and daily allowances for attending the meetings of the committee in respect of the journeys and the days for which they are entitled to draw travelling and daily allowances for attending the session of the Legislature under the U. P. Legislative Chambers (Members’ Emoluments) Rules.
Exception—The non-official members of the Board of High School and Intermediate Education, Uttar Pradesh, and its committees, other than members of the Legislature, whose monthly income is Rs 1,500 per mensem or below will be paid travelling and daily allowances at the rates ordinarily admissible to government servants of Category-II.
(ii) For journeys by rail within Uttar Pradesh the members of the Legislature will not be entitled to any rail fare as they are entitled to use railway coupons for such journeys. However, if the members of the Legislature have to travel outside Uttar Pradesh in connection with the work of the Committee/Commission to which they have been appointed and the railway coupons for that year have been fully utilised as per the concerned rules, travelling allowance and daily allowance as provided for Category-I government servants will be admissible to them after a certificate regarding the utilization of the coupons is given by them. For journeys within Uttar pradesh in connection with the work of committee/commission, the members of the Legislature should utilise the railway coupons or the passes of the U.P. State Road Transport Corporation. For such journeys no fare will be payable.
(iii) If a committee consists of non-officials none of whom is a member of the Legislature, travelling and daily allowances shall be allowed at rates which should be decided by the administrative department of the Government in consultation with the Finance Department. This should ordinarily be done before orders constituting the Committee are issued.
(iv) (1) The following non-official members of any State level board, conference, committee or commission appointed or convened by Government, or those who conduct any examination under the orders of Government, or perform any other Government duty in an honorary capacity, who are declared as belonging to Category-I for the purpose of calculating travelling allowance under sub-rule (b), may travel by air or air-conditioned coach:
(a) Retired government servants who were entitled to avail of this facility on the basis of pay drawn at the time of retirement according to the then existing rules, provided that such a facility is available on that pay under the rules in force on the crucial date.
(b) Non-official members associated with any Government or private sector undertaking where such a facility is normally admissible to them according to its rules or orders.
(c) Non-official members who in their private life are accustomed to travel by air or air-conditioned coach. (2) In special circumstances as mentioned below, any other non-official member may also be permitted to travel by air or air-conditioned coach:
(a) Journey by air-conditioned coach: where owing to the concerned member’s health, old age or disability journey by this mode is considered necessary.
(b) Journey by air: Where air travel is necessary from the point of view of the work and such a journey is in public interest.
(v) The grant of travelling allowance for journey by air or air conditioned coach referred to in (iv) above, will be regulated according to the rates at, and the conditions on, which such a facility is admissible under the rules to the eligible government servants and Departments of the Government are authorised to finalise the claims arising in this regard (See also Appendix X).
2(2). Non-official members of local committees (as distinct from committees convened by the Government at headquarters) are expected to attend the meeting of such committees at their local centres without incurring any heavy expenditure and, therefore, no travelling allowance should be necessary. In case, however, the administrative department considers it necessary to allow travelling allowance in respect of any such committee, the rates to be allowed shall be fixed by that department in consultation with the Finance Department.
NOTE—(3)-(1) All order appointing a board, conference, committee or commission should state that travelling allowance to a non-official member will be admissible only from and to the usual place of his residence and that where concession fares for return journeys are allowed by the railway, travelling allowance will be limited to the actual cost of the return ticket plus an allowance for incidental expenses calculated at the rate admissible to him according to his classification each way. A copy of the orders should be furnished to the Accountant General together with the following information:
(i) Name and full address of each member;
(iii) Designation of the controlling officer;
(iii) The rates of travelling allowance to be allowed; and
(iv) The head of account (major, minor and detailed heads) to which the charge is debitable.
Exception (1)—If during the currency of the Session of the Legislature, a Member of the Legislature present at Lucknow is required to attend a meeting of a board/committee etc., at a place other than Lucknow he will be entitled to travelling allowance from Lucknow to the place of meeting and back instead of from and to the usual place of his residence.
(2) Payment of the travelling allowance claims of non-official members will ordinarily be made at the treasury of their districts. In the case of members of the State Legislature, however, payment may also be made at the Lucknow treasury as specified by the controlling officer on the travelling allowance bill. The controlling officer should send his specimen signature to the treasuries at which he authorises payment of travelling allowance claims.
NOTE—(4) Non-official persons referred to in clause (b) of rule 20 above should invariably certify on their travelling allowance bills that travelling allowance in respect of journeys mentioned in the bill is being drawn for the first time and has not been, nor will thereafter be, claimed from the same or any other source. Only Gazetted Government servants shall be appointed controlling officers in respect of such travelling allowance bills. The administrative department constituting such committees, etc., will appoint controlling officers in respect of travelling allowance bills of such non-official members. Controlling officers will scrutinise the bills carefully, in particular, they will, as far as possible, verify before countersigning a bill that travelling allowance for any journey charged for in the bill has not been drawn before from the same or from any other source.