Travelling allowance to honorary munsifs, etc. and private individuals
21. Honorary munsifs, honorary deputy collectors and honorary magistrates who, when employed on government work, whether judicial or extra-judicial, have to travel a distance exceeding eight kilometres from their residence are entitled to draw travelling allowance as government servants of the second category.
Note—Travelling allowance under the above rule is admissible only in respect of journeys which are undertaken for the performance of some special government work in accordance with the orders of the District Officer (e. g. presiding at elections, holding a local inquiry, supervising public festivals, giving evidence in their official capacity, etc.). The rule does not contemplate the grant of any travelling allowance to the honorary servants for journeys performed by them from their usual place of residence to the place where they regularly hold their courts.
21-A. Private individuals summoned from outside by the Government or other authority for selection as candidates for appointment under the Government may, in special cases, be granted travelling allowance at rates to be specifically fixed in each case. In cases where an authority other than Government wishes to call private individuals for an interview, it should obtain the previous sanction of the Government if it proposes to grant any travelling allowance.