Rates and conditions regulating the grant of daily allowance
(C) Daily allowances
(1) Government servants are entitled to daily allowance for halts, under clauses (A) (a) (ii), B (1) (a) (ii) and (D) of rule 27 at varying rates according to the locality in which they are required to halt. The various rates and the localities where they are admissible are as follows:
Category of government servants |
Ordinary rates (applicable at places other than those mentioned in columns 3, 4 and 5) |
Rates for Category ‘B’ towns which include municipalities and cantonments and where they exist, the adjacent notified areas of Moradabad, Aligarh, Jhansi, Saharanpur, Shahjahanpur, Rampur, Gorakhpur, Mathura, Mirzapur, Hardwar, Faizabad, Firozabad, Muzaffarnagar,and Farrukhabad |
Rates for Category ‘A’ towns which include municipalities and cantonments and where they exist, the adjacent notified areas of Kanpur, Lucknow, Agra, Varanasi, Allahabad, Bareilly Meerut, Nainital, Mussoorie, DehraDun and Ghaziabad |
Rates for Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta, Bangalore, Ahmedabad, Patna, Madras, Simla, Hyderabad, Chandigarh and Srinagar (Jammu and Kashmir ) |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
Rs. |
Rs. |
Rs. |
Rs. |
Category-I |
All government servants drawing, pay more than Rs.1,500 per month and officers of the All-India Services. |
14.00 |
18.00 |
22.00 |
35.00 if facility of residential accommodation of Public Sector Undertakings/ Corporations/ Co-operative Organisations/ Development Authorities or of the Government exists. Otherwise Rs.60.00. |
Category-II |
(a) Those drawing pay between Rs.1,100 and Rs.1,500 per month. |
12.00 |
14.00 |
16.00 |
24.00 |
(b) Those drawing pay between Rs.701 and Rs.1,099 per month. |
10.00 |
12.00 |
15.00 |
20.00 |
Category-III (a) Those drawing pay between Rs.551 and Rs.700 per month. |
8.00 |
0.00 |
12.00 |
16.00 |
(b) Those drawing pay between Rs. 320 and Rs. 550 per month. |
7.00 |
8.00 |
10.00 |
12.00 |
Category- IV Those drawing pay in the scales of Rs. 305—390 and Rs. 315—440 and their selection grades and those government servants drawing a fixed pay upto Rs. 350 per month. |
6.00 |
6.00 |
8.00 |
10.00 |
NOTE—1 When a government servant travels in hill towns, other than those mentioned in column 4 above, the rates of daily allowance will be 25 per cent over and above the ordinary rates of daily allowance mentioned in column 2 above, provided that such daily allowance is otherwise admissible under the rules.
NOTE—2 When a government servant travels in another State except the places mentioned in column 5 of the table under clause (1) above, the rates of daily allowance applicable to him will be the same as admissible in towns mentioned in column 4 of the above table.
Exception (1)—[Deleted.]
Exception (2)—[Deleted.]
NOTE-3 In the case of re-employed pensioners, the rate of daily allowance should be computed on the pay they actually draw plus pension as originally sanctioned i.e. before commutation, if any.
(2) [Deleted.]
(3) [Deleted.]
(4) [Deleted.]
(5) [Deleted.]
(6) In the case of a government servant who has been provided during the period of tour free lodging and boarding by the Government of India or any State Government or such autonomous industrial or commercial undertaking, corporation or local body or a Local Authority in which Government funds have been invested, or in which any other interest of the State Government may be involved, the daily allowance will be drawn at ¼th of the rate otherwise admissible. If, however, the government servant is provided with only one facility, i.e. free lodging or free boarding, he will get daily allowance at ½ of the rate otherwise admissible. For this purpose the rate of daily allowance for Category-I government servants in towns mentioned in column 5 of the table will be Rs. 35 per day.
(7) Government servants of Category-I while on tour in towns mentioned in column 5 of the table, where lodging facilities provided by public sector undertakings/corporations/co-operative organisations/Local Authorities or the Government exist, shall be entitled to daily allowance at the rate of Rs. 35 per day irrespective of whether they avail of that facility or make their own arrangement for boarding and lodging. By lodging facility of the public sector undertakings/corporations/co-operative organisations/Local Authorities or the Government is meant the facility provided by the public sector undertakings, etc. of the Government of Uttar Pradesh or by the Government of Uttar Pradesh. For example, since lodging facility exists in the U. P. Niwas/U. P. Bhawan in Delhi, daily allowance at the rate of Rs. 35 per day only will be admissible to government servants of Category-I while on tour to Delhi. But if in such of the towns as mentioned in column 5 of the table in which lodging facility does not exist and the government servants of Category-I stay in such hotels/establishments which provide lodging and boarding facilities at the "Scheduled Tariffs" then in such circumstances the government servants will be entitled to daily allowance at the rate of Rs. 60 per day on furnishing the relevant vouchers and a certificate in the following form:
Certified that I had stayed from__________to__________in_______________
(date) (date) (name of the hotel/establishment)
located at_______________which provides boarding/lodging at Scheduled Tariffs.
(name of the city)
If at the places mentioned in column 5 of the table, lodging facility is not provided to government servants of Category-I of Uttar Pradesh by the other Government at the same rate at which it is provided to their employees of Category-I, then, in such a case, daily allowance at the rate of Rs. 60 per day will be admissible and for this purpose the government servant concerned will have to furnish the following certificate in his travelling allowance bill:
Certified that from__________to__________I stayed in__________in
(date) (date) (name of the city) (name of the State)
in the__________of that State but
(particulars of facility of public sector corporation/undertaking/co-operative organisation/Local Authority or Government).
the lodging facility of the public sector corporation/undertaking/co-operative organisation/Local Authority or the Government was not available there at concessional rate.
(8) Members of the Provincial Armed Constabulary/Police force, when they go out of their temporary base camp to the region of actual encounter etc., in connection with a special drive, such as in anti-dacoity operations going from base camp to difficult terrains chasing dacoits, will, during this period, be entitled to daily allowance at double the rates as admissible under the rule.
(9) Non-gazetted government servants who are sent to Allahabad in connection with work relating to accounts in the office of the Accountant General, Uttar Pradesh, Allahabad will get an additional daily allowance of Rs. 10 per diem in addition to the daily allowance under the rules, subject to the condition that the additional daily allowance will be admissible only for the days for which daily allowance is normally admissible under the rules.
(D) Permanent monthly allowances
[See rule (38)]
24. [Deleted.]
24-A. The government servants mentioned in Part I of Appendix II are not entitled to travelling allowance of any kind for journeys by road within jurisdiction. Those mentioned in Part II of that Appendix are entitled only to the restricted concessions specified therein. These restrictions do not, however, apply to journeys by rail or when the government servants travel under proper authority beyond jurisdiction. In respect of such journeys by rail, or beyond jurisdiction including such portions as are within jurisdiction, the government servants mentioned in both the parts of Appendix II are entitled to travelling allowance of all kinds at the rates applicable to government servants of their category. When a journey by rail is combined with a journey by road within jurisdiction, travelling allowance for the rail journey may be drawn under the ordinary rules but travelling allowance for the road journey shall be subject to the restrictions mentioned in the Appendix.
25. The period of absence from headquarters, begins on the day on which the government servant actually leaves the headquarters, and ends on the day on which he returns thereto. It is not reckoned by the departure or arrival of his camp equipage, if any.
26. No travelling allowance, other than a permanent monthly allowance, is admissible for any day on which a government servant does not reach a distance exceeding eight kilometres by road from headquarters, or returns thereto from a distance exceeding eight kilometres by road. But a government servant travelling on duty within eight kilometres of headquarters is entitled to draw the actual amount spent by him in payment of ferry and other tolls or railway fare.