Allowances admissible for different journeys and absences, including night halt
27. Subject to the provisions of rule 26, the allowances claimable for different journeys and absence are as follows:
(A) Journey by rail—(a) (i) Mileage allowance at the rates for railway travel, plus
(ii) daily allowance for every day of arrival at, or departure from, a station other than the government servant’s headquarters; provided that his stay at the station on that day is not less than eight hours and provided further that if he leaves that station for another station and returns to that station on the same day his total stay at the former is not less than eight hours and that he does not draw daily allowance for halting at another station on the same day.
(b) where daily allowance is not admissible under (a) (ii) and daily allowance exceeds the mileage allowance, then—daily allowance.
Explanatory Note—For the purpose of admissibility of daily allowance under sub-clause (a) (ii) above a government servant’s "stay at the station" should be computed on the basis of the total period of stay on any day at the outstation reckoned with reference to the time of arrival and departure of the trains by which he travels. For this purpose only scheduled timings of the trains (as distinct from the actual timings) by which journeys are performed are recognised.
Exceptions—(i) [Deleted.]
(ii) Members of the railway police travelling on duty are entitled either to a free pass under the free pass rules of the railway or to the fare for themselves and baggage accompanying them which a free pass would cover. They may draw daily allowance for any day on which they are absent from their headquarters for more than eight consecutive hours, subject to the general restriction of the eight kilometres limit from headquarters prescribed in rule 26.
If they combine a road journey with a railway journey they may, if they travel to a place distant at least eight kilometres from the point where they leave the railway, or return to the railway from a place similarly distant, draw mileage allowance at the rates laid down in rule 23 (B) (2) for each kilometre of the road portion of the journey. They may also draw, in addition, daily allowance, if any, admissible under this rule for absence from headquarters, provided that the time spent on the journey by road is deducted in calculating the duration of their absence from headquarters.
N.B.—The enhanced rates of daily allowance mentioned in clause (1) of rule 23 (C) shall be admissible to members of the railway police for halts in stations falling under categories A and B of that clause, provided that their halt at the end of a railway journey or a road journey of not less than eight kilometres in continuation of railway journey in any of those stations is not less than eight hours. In other cases daily allowance admissible under the above exception will be drawn at the ordinary rates prescribed in clause (1) of rule 23 (C).
(iii) [Deleted.]
(B) Journey by road—Subject to the provisions of rule 29, a government servant who travels by road beyond a radius of eight kilometres irrespective of whether the journey commences at his headquarters or at any other place outside his headquarters, may draw the following allowances:
(1) (a) (i) mileage allowance at the rates prescribed in rule 23 (B)
(2) for each kilometre of the distance travelled, plus
(ii) daily allowance for every day of arrival at, or departure from, a station other than the government servant’s headquarters; provided that his stay at the station on that day is not less than eight hours; and provided further that if he leaves that station for another station and returns to that station on the same day his total stay at the former is not less than eight hours and that he does not draw daily allowance for halting at another station on the same day.
(b) Where daily allowance is not admissible under (a) (ii) above and daily allowance exceeds the mileage allowance admissible under (a) (i), then daily allowance in lieu of mileage allowance may be drawn.
NOTE—Short journeys within a radius of eight kilometres from headquarters, or from a place at which a government servant is on tour, may not be added to other journeys when calculating the distance travelled by road or the amount of mileage allowance admissible for road journeys.
Exception (1)—When a government servant travels in a bus and hires only a seat he will be entitled to the following travelling allowance according to his classification:
Category-I—One bus fare of the higher class available and an allowance for incidental expenses calculated at 3.5 paise per kilometre.
Category-II—One bus fare of the higher class available and an allowance for incidental expenses calculated at 3 paise per kilometre.
Category-III—One fare of the lower class plus an allowance for incidental expenses calculated at 2 paise per kilometre.
Category-IV—One fare of the lower class plus an allowance for incidental expenses calculated at 1 paisa per kilometre.
Exception (2)—When a government servant of the Category-I or Category-II travels in a motor car plying for hire and hires only a seat, he will draw the fare paid for the journey plus incidential allowance at the rate applicable to him for an ordinary journey by rail.
Exception (3)—When the head of the office certifies that the government servant of Category-III or IV was required to travel and did travel in a motor car plying for hire and hired only a seat, he may draw for such journey the fare paid for the journey plus incidental allowance at the rate applicable to him for an ordinary journey by rail.
(2) [Deleted.]
(C) Journey partly by road and partly by rail
(a) For the road journey—Mileage allowance at the rates for travel by road even if the journey is less than 8 kilometres.
NOTE—1 [Deleted.]
NOTE—2 [Deleted.]
(b) For the rail journey—
(i) mileage allowance at the rates for railway travel, plus
(ii) daily allowance subject to the conditions of clause (A) (a)
(ii) of this rule.
(CC) During the course of journeys on official work, one day’s daily allowance at ordinary rates will be admissible if the circumstances mentioned below exist, provided that daily allowance is otherwise not admissible for that day under the rules and the controlling officer is fully satisfied about the existence of these circumstances—
(a) the government servant had to make a continuous night halt at the destination for eight hours or more on two consecutive dates taken together, or,
(b) the government servant had to make a continuous night halt for four hours or more in waiting for the next bus, railway train or aeroplane during the journey.
Explanation—(i) If, however, daily allowance for both the dates or for any of such two dates be admissible in accordance with the rules, no daily allowance in terms of clause (a) above will be drawn.
(ii) Daily allowance in terms of clause (b) above will be allowed only when no daily allowance is otherwise admissible under the rules for the date of halt while in transit. If the period of waiting covers two consecutive dates daily allowance will be allowed in case no daily allowance is otherwise admissible for either of the two dates. (See Appendix XIV).