Transportation of conveyance
34. (1) If it is in the interest of Government work that a government servant should send his motor car, motor-cycle or other means of conveyance or his camp equipage by rail, he may, with the special sanction of the Government or of any head of a department or controlling officer to whom fire power of sanction has been delegated, recover the actual cost of carriage of such transport by rail, together with the cost of conveyance of one driver or cleaner for a motor car, subject to such limits on the weight of camp equipage and the number or means of conveyance as the Government may fix. (See Appendix X).
(2) A government servant in receipt of a permanent monthly allowance is not entitled to this concession.
34-A. If it is necessary for a government servant to transport a conveyance by ferry, including a steamer-ferry, he will be entitled to the actual cost of such transport, provided that no such charge will be admissible where, under the conditions of the lease of thc ferry, a conveyance can be transported free of charge by a government servant when on duty. Similarly, the actual cost of any toll on a conveyance may be recovered by a government servant if the toll is leviable on the conveyance even when used on public service.
35. [Deleted.]