Permanent monthly allowance
38. (1) A permanent monthly allowance is granted in lieu of all other travelling allowances for journeys within jurisdiction, and is drawn all the year round, whether the government servant is absent from headquarters or not. There are no fixed rates. Some of the allowances of this type are given in Appendix XII.
(2) If a government servant in receipt of such an allowance travels by rail on a free pass during a month, he should deduct the value of the fares concerned from the amount drawn for that month. This does not apply to the following government servants who may for journeys by rail draw single railway fare in addition to the permanent travelling allowance :
(i) Munshis, clerks, signallers and draftsmen attached to canal divisions in the Irrigation Department.
(ii) Sub-divisional clerks and Munshis on the establishment of the Executive Engineer, Kumaun Government Estates.
(iii) Range Officer in charge of the Hardwar Range in the Saharanpur Forest Division.
(iv) Medical Officers attached to travelling dispensaries and those serving in the Irrigation Department.
(v) Amins in the Irrigation Department employed on project work, i. e. on land acquisition work on the laying out of irrigation channels or drainage lines or employed on works and survey, where there are to regular beats.
(vi) Amins in the Irrigation Department stationed at Lalitpur in the Jhansi Division.
(vii) Government servants of Category-IV.
(viii) [Deleted.]
(ix) Assistants to the Special Forest Officer, Tarai and Bhabar Estates Forest Division.
(x) [Deleted.]
(xi) Senior Auditors, Assistant Auditors and peons of the Local Fund Accounts Department, provided that the journey is performed under proper authority.
(3) The government servants serving in the Irrigation Department, mentioned above, may, however, draw single bus fare, instead of a single railway fare, in addition to their permanent travelling allowance, on the condition that the bus fare does not exceed the railway fare which would have been admissible had the journey been performed by rail.
39. Whenever the jurisdiction of a government servant drawing a permanent monthly allowance extends beyond a single district, and his actual travelling expenses for a journey by rail or other public conveyance exceed double the amount of his permanent allowance for the period occupied in such journey, he may, with the permission of the Government, draw an additional allowance equivalent to the difference between such double permanent allowance and the travelling allowance that would be admissible to him under the ordinary rules. (See Appendix X).
NOTES—(1) in the case of government servants in the Irrigation Department, for the word "district" in line 2 of the above rule read the words "canal division"
(2) The auditors of the Local Fund Accounts Department and the peons who accompany them on tour will not be entitled to the concession admissible in this rule.
40. [Deleted.]
41. A permanent travelling allowance cannot be drawn during joining time, or, unless in any case it be otherwise expressly provided in these rules, during any period for which travelling allowance of any other `kind is drawn. Its drawal during leave is regulated by the rules made under Fundamental Rule 93.